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In May of 2017, a space called Soeng Joeng Toi was established, gathering a variety of people to share and co-organise a space together. While it may be considered a relative newcomer, Soeng Joeng Toi’s appearance can be seen as an inevitable breakaway from the mainstream political, economic and cultural climate of a city like Guangzhou. From its initial planning stages to its official operation, much of Soeng Joeng Toi’s inspiration and methods have come from extensive exchange with independent spaces both in China and abroad, where mutual recognition of similar conditions and thinking of the commons have led these different spaces to continue developing in a sustained dialogue. This text, written from the perspective of two of Soeng Joeng Toi’s “co-proprietors,” introduces the beginnings of Soeng Joeng Toi, its current operations and experiences of connecting with others as well as explores the possibilities of a shared activism involving people from different fields and geographic regions.  相似文献   
当前,学校体育改革进入破解新旧问题的攻坚期,仍需采用不同视角及理论对学校体育政策执行中的“跨域”现象予以新认识,发现新问题,提出新对策。研究从“条块关系”视角入手,运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对学校体育政策执行中的“条块关系”特征(“条条”嵌入、“块块”统筹和“条块”整体)及问题(“条条”冲突、“块块”封闭和“条块”分割)进行解析,并结合整体性治理理念,提出重塑公共理念、加强制度建设、强化责任意识、培育信息共享和树立利益意识等对策,以期纾解“条块”问题,改善执行基础。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2019,22(2):276-287
Despite the increasing academic interest in the analysis of the Olympic legacy, there is a relative knowledge gap as far as sports participation legacy is concerned. The authors bridge this gap by analysing the short-term sports participation legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the adult population in England. By using data from the Active People Survey and considering different sports participation variables and the effect of the economic climate, results demonstrate a positive association with participation from hosting the Games. Participation rates were adjusted to take into account seasonality and changes in the gross domestic product (GDP), accounting in this way for the effect of the recent economic recession. The biggest effect was observed in relation to frequent participation (at least three times per week for at least 30 min) in the year immediately after the Games. In 2014, the sports participation rates fell relative to 2013 but remained higher than pre-Olympic levels. The sport participation legacy of the Olympic Games appeared to have significant differences between socio-demographic groups.  相似文献   
Increased activity of multiple stakeholders (e.g. agents and owners) have created new challenges for some coaches working in professional sports clubs. The purpose of this project was to draw attention to the normative or accepted practices inherent in sport work, some of the day-to-day realities of some coaches working in this context, and to understand how coaches’ perceptions of other stakeholders come to bear on their individual circumstances, career expectations/objectives and professional agency. Data were generated from semi-structured interviews with seven professional basketball coaches who worked in top-level European clubs. The analysis reveals the coach’s relationships between some owners and agents differed with respect to exercising professional agency, and, coach’s decisions and actions were tied to their professional ideals as well as understandings of what they need to undertake their work effectively and negotiation and/or adjustment strategies. Occasionally coach’s work practices could be viewed as antithetical to employment security, however, the presence of insecurity was at times embraced and used strategically to affect workers’ career decisions. Amid contemporary regional geo-political shifts, this work aids examinations of global sport settings, structures and issues that may contour sporting professionals’ lives.  相似文献   
基于体育文化整体实力概念相关研究成果的欠缺,对体育文化整体实力的基本理论问题进行了探索与分析. 研究认为:体育文化整体实力是指体育文化各构成要素向社会彰显的一种综合力量. 它包括体育文化服务力、体育文化生产力和体育文化传播力三个方面的内涵. 同时进一步分析了当前增强体育文化整体实力的战略意义,并在此基础上结合当前中国体育文化发展现状提出了增强体育文化整体实力的战略途径.  相似文献   
  通过对比,研究发现了不少转变:例如1994年世界杯时,德国电视台转播一场足球比赛的时间是219分钟,到2014年世界杯时已经提升到550分钟。转播过程中比赛所占的比例从1994年的49%下降到2014年的23%。德国民众对体育尤其是足球的狂热,每年可以带来30亿欧元的商业赞助。《2011国际体育媒介调查》在对世界五大洲23个国家和地区81家平面媒体的18340篇文章展开的大数据分析研究发现,受关注度最高的项目依次是足球、网球、英式橄榄球、曲棍球、冰球、自行车、篮球、澳式橄榄球、高尔夫球和马术比赛,其中足球一项就占据41%的比例,网球和英式橄榄球的比例分别为8%和5%。另一方面,撰写体育新闻的平面媒体记者中90%以上为男性。此外,在足球占据体育报道的比例上,罗马尼亚、葡萄牙、巴西、希腊、德国、波兰、苏格兰、南非、法国和瑞士是最高的,其中罗马尼亚媒体报道的比例高达85%。  相似文献   
新时期我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,这将对体育产业发展提出更高的要求。现阶段,河南省体育产业现状还不能满足人民日益增长的健身需要。因此,我们应理清现阶段体育产业发展的主要矛盾并积极探索体育产业创新发展的路径,为缓解新时期社会主要矛盾而贡献体育智慧。 采用文献资料法、专家咨询法、实地调查法、逻辑推理等研究方法,深入探析现阶段河南省体育产业发展现状与人民日益增长的健身需要还存在的矛盾,并在充分认识河南省体育产业发展优势、理清体育产业发展的矛盾基础上,提出中原特色体育产业创新发展路径:积极推进中原特色“体育+旅游”融合发展模式,满足人民群众体育旅游需求;大力发展中原特色户外健身休闲产业,满足人民群众的休闲健身需求;以中原特色体育竞赛活动带动体育产业发展,满足群众观赏赛事需求;积极建设中原特色传统体育文化传承核心区,带动传统体育文化产业发展,满足人民群众的体育文化精神需求;合理开发公共体育服务场地资源,满足人民群众健身场地需求;积极培育社会性组织管理体系,缓解政府体育组织管理体系管理职能压力。  相似文献   
运用实地考察法、问卷调查法、主成分分析法等,对公共体育场馆功能改造的理论逻辑与现实困境进行剖析。认为消费者需求与公共体育场馆功能之间存在相互作用的理论逻辑,据此提出基于消费需求识别的公共体育场馆功能选择路径,以洪山体育中心为例进行实证分析。同时,对当前公共体育场馆功能改造在土地利用、消费场景营造、利益主体参与机制和改造程序等方面面临的现实困境进行总结。提出:创新用地政策,鼓励公共体育场馆进行功能改造;加强公共体育场馆消费场景营造;健全利益主体参与机制;建立健全多部门合作的公共体育场馆功能改造工作机制。  相似文献   
道德自由、法定自由和社会自由构成了权利的法哲学基础,三者紧密联结,不可分割,共同推动主体权利形态的转化和实现. 体育权利作为人类社会的一类基本权利,在诸多社会因素的作用下,已经形成了较为完整的体系,日益成为人全面发展的一种手段. 体育权利既具有权利的自然属性和社会属性,同时也具有自身的固有属性,二者针对性不同,应当区别对待. 研究认为:体育权利的来源、内容和形式广泛,仅仅将其限定为法定权利的观点有失偏颇. 且现实中存在着多种体育权利形态,其中,应有体育权利是基础,固有体育权利是依据,法定体育权利是核心,实有体育权利是归宿.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to access communication style in the Malaysian workplace through the development and validation of a communication scale appropriate to the Malaysian workplace. The analysis involved data from 200 state development employees, and construct and criterion-related validation using data from 510 employees, representing three organizations in Malaysia. The results provided support for the use of language (pekerti) and communication and interaction (bicara) as crucial communication dimensions for the Malaysian workplace, which are identified from the item-generation procedure.  相似文献   
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